Whether you've already paid for a Bikram subscription, a multi-entry card, or simply a single entry, or are considering treating yourself to one of these options, it might be worth taking a look at your current insurance situation. Numerous insurers cover sweaty yoga classes with sometimes generous premiums. Often it is even worthwhile to take out a corresponding additional package for this purpose. The following health insurances offer reimbursements.

Atrupi: What supplemental insurance (insurance package) is needed for yoga class reimbursement? - Mivita Reala or Mivita Extensa

What is the annual premium? - Mivita Reala: 50 %, max. CHF 200 - Mivita Extensa: 50 %, max. CHF 300.

CSS: What additional insurance (insurance package) is needed for reimbursement of yoga classes? - Alternative insurance myFlex: Economy, Balance or Premium

What is the annual contribution? - Balance: 50 %, max. CHF 250.- - Premium: 50 %, max. CHF 500.-

EGK: What additional insurance (insurance package) is needed for reimbursement of yoga classes? - Sun

What is the annual premium? Sun: 80%, max CHF 480 (less CHF 300 Self-retention)

KPT: Which additional insurance (insurance package) is required for the reimbursement of yoga courses? - Active Plus

What is the annual premium? - CHF 150.-, from a duration of 6 months or from 8 units- CHF 150.-, from a duration of 6 months or from 8 units

Sodalis: Which additional insurance (insurance package) is required for the reimbursement of yoga courses? - Hospital insurance and Sana or Sana Plus- Hospital insurance and Sana or Sana Plus

What is the annual contribution? - 50 %, max. CHF 200 50 %, max. CHF 200

Sumiswalder: What additional insurance (insurance package) is needed for reimbursement of yoga classes? - Complementary- Complementary

What is the annual contribution? - Max. CHF 200.-, min 10 lessons- Max. CHF 200.-, min 10 lessons

SWICA: Which additional insurance (insurance package) is required for the reimbursement of yoga courses?


What is the annual premium? - COMPLETA PRAEVENTA: 50 %, max. CHF 300.-- OPTIMA: 90 %, max. CHF 300.

Visana: Which additional insurance (insurance package) is required for the reimbursement of yoga courses? - Outpatient or Basic via Wellness-Scheck

What is the annual contribution?

Max. CHF 100.- for courses of more than 10 lessons or max. CHF 50.- for courses up to 10 lessons or two-day seminars